Is it Ok to Power Wash Vinyl Siding?

Close-up of a house’s exterior being power washed.

If you’ve ever had to scrub your home’s vinyl siding with a bucket of water and brush, you know how tedious it is, not to mention a long, arduous process. Now, you don’t have to since pressure washing became a thing. However, power washing can do damage, so to ensure that doesn’t happen, continue reading to learn some tips and tricks on power washing your vinyl siding.


Cleaning Vinyl Siding with Power Washing

Have you ever seen a power washer in use before and thought it was too intimidating to use yourself? You’re not alone. Yes, using a power washer takes some getting used to so you not only use it right but also don’t damage your siding in the process. Still, once you get the hang of it, power washing can make cleaning your vinyl siding a breeze.


The secret to power washing is starting low and slow. Going full-throttle isn’t the best since it can get behind your siding and damage the surface. Adjust the pressure as needed and use an appropriate soap or detergent that doesn’t include corrosive cleaning chemicals like undiluted bleach or other degreasers. These types of cleaners can damage the siding.


Almost any pressure washer will do for one-story homes; however, it’s best for those with two stories and up to get a gas-powered washer, which is more powerful and reaches high, hard-to-reach areas. You can also use an extension wand to help extend your reach, enabling you to spray close to surface stains.


Tips for Power washing

To ensure you get a good clean that also protects your siding, here are some pro tips to get you started.

  • Under low pressure, apply the soap mixture with smooth, overlapping strokes. Start from the bottom up to avoid streaking. Don’t get too trigger happy since you could miss spots.
  • Use a brush for tough spots, such as a rotating or utility brush; this helps to loosen the thick layers of dirt. It can act as a foaming brush that releases soap as you clean.
  • Wait five or ten minutes before cleaning, so the solution has time to break down and loosen mildew, grime, and stains. If it’s sunny, ensure the solution doesn’t dry on the siding since it may not work either.
  • Start at a distance and use a low-pressure spray. Too much, too soon, is what damages your siding. It can also spray water into your home and create the ideal breeding ground for mold. Hold the wand about five feet from the surface and move closer gradually.
  • Spray your siding clean, but be careful to avoid eaves, vents, or light fixtures directly. High-pressure washers are strong enough to knock out or even break window panes. Furthermore, so you don’t spray up under the laps of horizontal siding, keep the angle of the wand pointing down. Rinse from top to bottom, until the whole siding is soap-free.


Considering Upgrading Your Vinyl Siding?

When siding is damaged or looking overly worn, it’s time to consider upgrading your siding. Several options are available to fit your style and budget. Contact Mountain States Windows and Siding to see what we have to offer and let our experts install new siding. Call to schedule an appointment today.

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