How To Clean a Window Well

Hand cleaning a window with a green microfiber cloth.

Window wells are usually forgotten. They exist for your basement’s light and a potential exit in the event of an emergency, but when is the last time you really took a look at them? Many homeowners slap a cover on their window wells and forget about them entirely. Now that summer is in full swing you may notice grass clippings or even stray cats inhabiting your window wells, and realize that it’s time to pay a little more attention to your window wells this season. Cleaning your window wells is a task that can’t wait until next spring, so schedule a Saturday, grab your cleaning supplies and let’s get to work!

  1. Prepare in Advance. If you have lots of spiders, bees, or other insects then prepare a day before by thoroughly spraying your window well area with a bug killer or prevention spray. You’ll be glad you did!
  2. Clean it Out. Depending on where you live and how much stuff has accumulated in your window wells you may need different tools. A shovel might work if you just have some rocks and leaves. A shopvac or wetvac might be necessary if there is damaged gravel or other debris. Empty out the gross stuff by shoveling or sucking it into a bucket and then dumping it in the trash.
  3. Using a bucket of mild dish soap and water, splash small amounts onto the walls of your window wells and use a sponge to wipe it all down if necessary. Don’t forget to look into the corners and along the edges. Eliminating spider webs is particularly helpful.
  4. Wash Window. Once your window well is clean, focus on the window. Clean it inside and out with a water and vinegar mixture to make it shine..
  5. To keep your window well cleaner longer, you may consider investing in some tools and products to protect your home. Use a new gravel or stone finish along the bottom of the window well. Invest in a window well cover to help prevent unwanted guests. Re-caulking or adding adequate drainage can help you prevent flooding damage in the future.

Taking a little bit of time to clean out your window well can be a little gross and inconvenient – no one likes to climb down into the tiny hole of a window well that may or may not be infested with spiders. But it’s well worth the effort to make sure your home is protected from flooding, pests, deterioration and buildup. If you find you could use some more window or window well help, call Mountain States Windows & Siding today for a free consultation.


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