How Can I Organize My Home?

Organized storage shelves with boxes and folded clothes.

Are you struggling with how to organize your home and need some ideas that are easy to implement and won’t take all your time? Sit tight and keep reading to learn about some tips in organizing your home.


Purge Your Space

The first step in organizing your home is starting with a clean slate. Pick one room a day and go through and clear out space. For example, go through a bedroom closet and get rid of clothes and shoes you no longer wear. Get rid of all the “extras” that don’t belong there. You know what they are. Purging each area helps you see what you have, assess your storage needs, and make use of the space you have. If you have to have it, put it in a container and store it away.


Put Similar Items Together

Once you’ve purged your rooms, start separating everything in groups. If you’re cleaning out a linen closet that has more than just linens, group everything out separately. Cleaners, toiletries, towels, sheets, and pillowcases, etc. should have their shelf. But, once everything is out, you can organize each group of items, so they all fit together in the closet so that you can shut your door with no problems.


Once everything is corralled together, you can then find bins or boxes in which to store them. You don’t need fancy containers but look around your home to see what you can find to use. Get creative and save money in the process.


Use a Box Within a Box

To get creative, use a big box, and within that box, put smaller boxes or bins, so you control clutter even more. When you use it, you will know exactly where it goes back when finished. Better yet, you can stick it in the box and shut the door; plus, it saves on more space in your closet when you can place smaller boxes inside a bigger box. This is quite useful when you have little kids that use paper, glue, and other supplies often.


Label Each Bin

Have you ever needed something in a bin or box and forgot what you had in there? You have to take down the box and rummage through it to find what you need. Instead, label everything you put in storage containers. And, if you have kids, label it with their name. 

If you have a supply box at the top of a shelf, you or your child can read what’s in there, so you’re not grabbing it and then realizing what you need isn’t there. It’s also safer for kids.


Refill Your Space

Now that everything is cleaned out, and boxes are labeled and filled, time to refill your space. Start with the items you most use and put them in the most accessible spot. Then, fill in the gaps. You might be surprised to find you have more space than you did before.


Put Everything in its Place

If you have kids, teach them that everything has its place, and whatever they use goes back to the area in which they got it. When you establish a habit of putting things back when you’re finished with them, it makes your home less cluttered and messy. Plus, it ensures things don’t get lost or destroyed.


Contact Mountain States Windows & Siding

After you organize your home, consider the shape of your windows or siding. Are they in need of relacing? Contact Mountain States Windows and Siding to see the types of options we have to fit your needs and budget. Call us today for more information.

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