Crystal Clear Views: 8 Tips for Window Maintenance

A person cleaning a glass window with a squeegee.

Sure, window maintenance may not be your favorite household chore; however, there are things you can do to make it more effective and worthwhile.

Window repair, cleaning, and maintenance may seem like a no-brainer, simple job to some. But the reality is that it requires plenty of attention, thought, and skill. While this chore requires effort, it doesn’t have to be hard! Many small things make this task easier (or, on the other hand, more difficult) for you. By implementing several helpful pro tips, your window maintenance journey is sure to be simplified and more effective.

Continue scrolling to learn a handful of tips from our professionals on keeping your windows clean so you will enjoy crystal-clear views from the inside of your home and avoid the need for a window repair.

Window Maintenance: 8 Helpful Tips from the Pros

If you want your windows to shine like they do after a professional cleaning and enjoy crystal-clear results, here are some tips to implement:

  1. Remember to dust before cleaning — One of the most common (if not the most common) mistakes homeowners make when cleaning their windows is that they skip dusting the windows’ surface before washing. This is an essential step! A surefire way to simplify the window cleaning process and get better results is first to remove the layer of dirt, dust, and other debris from the glass surface.
    Failing to remove these pesky particles from the glass results in streaks post-cleaning or a hazy, cloudy effect. Dusting your windows first will prevent smudges and other marks and avoid the need to go back and clean the windows again to remove the streaks. Dust your windows, and you’ll only need to wash them once. Let’s face it: most people don’t have time for do-overs.
  2. Use clean and high-quality window cleaning tools — Like any other chore that involves washing, using low-quality, cheap tools or ones that are dirty will bring in inferior results. Using products that are cheap, inferior, or simply not right for the job will only leave them looking streaky and cloudy. You’re already putting in the effort, so make sure your window cleaning tools are high-quality and aren’t dirty. Otherwise, you’ll end up doing it twice.
    When selecting your window cleaning tools, avoid using the standard type of terrycloth towels that leave behind bits of lint and fuzz. Skip out on using paper towels and newspapers for this job, too. When these materials become overly wet, they pill, deteriorate, and leave little rolled-up pieces in their trail.
    A microfiber cloth is perfect for cleaning windows, though they get dirty pretty fast. As you might imagine, using a dirty cloth to clean your windows isn’t practical and will only move the dirt around, leaving terrible results. So, make sure to swap out your microfiber rag as needed.
  3. Opt for effective cleaning solutions — Window cleaning products, sprays, and solutions exist to help remove grime, dirt, and other kinds of buildup from glass. They shouldn’t ever be why streaks and hazy marks are left behind. Using a cleaning solution that is either too harsh or too mild actually results in these types of problems.
    If you’re not sure you want to go the store-bought route, skip those products altogether! Everything you need to make your window cleaning solution can be found in most kitchens without a special trip to the store. It comes down to you and your personal preferences for your windows.
  4. Only bite off what you can handle at a time — When you’re washing your windows, biting off more than you chew is a common mistake. Avoid taking on a large area at one time. Instead, focus on smaller spots at a time. That way, you see what is going on, work effectively before your products have time to dry, and make any necessary changes to your cleaning process.
    Taking on a window that is too big ends up streaky. Instead, take on 25 to 50% of a large window at a time and work your way to finishing the window in smaller increments. You’re more likely to have better-looking results if you “take smaller bites” at a time.
  5. Remember the window frames — Maybe you’ve mastered your window cleaning technique and get your windows crystal-clear and free from streaks. That’s awesome, and you truly deserve a gold star for this achievement! That’s no easy feat and definitely something to brag about. But did you remember to give your window frames attention, too?
    While it’s great that you just washed your windows, those shiny surfaces won’t amount to much if your window frames are still covered in dirt and dust. Remember that part of washing your glass windows is cleaning their frames, hardware, and handles.
  6. Skip washing your windows on hot, sunny days — Choosing a hot, sunny day to wash your windows might sound like an ideal time to complete this chore. However, it’s not. This weather actually makes your windows look worse than before you cleaned them.
    Direct sunlight exposure and high temperatures will result in your window cleaning products drying faster, well before you have time to wash and dry them. Of course, choosing a day that’s stormy isn’t a good day to wash them, either. Instead, find an overcast day with no rain in the forecast to complete this job.
  7. Master your drying technique — Mastering your drying technique is key if you want to avoid streaks and haze and prevent future dust and dirt buildup. Using a squeegee alongside a rag is essential.
    Rags definitely have their place in the drying process but are not the only tool necessary. Rags are ideal for removing excess water from your squeegee and are perfect for soaking up water drips on your frames and sills. However, the best tool for drying glass surfaces is definitely a squeegee.
  8. Remember both surfaces — Cleaning one side of your windows is great. However, if you’re after crystal-clear results, that will not give you what you’re after. You’ll need to clean the interior and exterior surfaces for that result.
    Washing both the outside and inside of your windows will allow you to truly appreciate your view. Not only that, but your house will look amazing, whether you’re looking at it from the outside or inside.

Contact Mountain States Windows & Siding to Learn More 

Contact the experts at Mountain States Windows & Siding to learn more about window maintenance and window repair.

The Mountain States team is here to help you with your window and siding needs in Salt Lake City, Park City, Spanish Fork, Provo, West Jordan, Lehi, or a surrounding area along the Wasatch Front. 

If you’re looking for home renovation professionals, check out Mountain States Kitchen & Bath for your kitchen and bathroom remodeling needs!

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