5 Ways To Save On Your Utilities This Winter

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How is your winter budget looking?

If you’re already feeling a little tight, you’re not alone. The holidays are expensive!

You have to buy gifts, make meals, host parties, decorate your home and yard, and buy lots of seasonal needs like new coats, boots, and cold weather accessories. It is an expensive time of year for everyone.

Most families take the opportunity to find ways to save in other areas of their lives, so they can use their money on the things that make the season special!

Your utilities are one area that you forget about, but that can make a big difference when it comes to your budget. Try a few of these 5 tips to lower your utility bills this winter and save the cash for more presents!

5 Ways To Save On Your Utilities This Winter

5 Ways to Save Money On Your Utilities

1. Check Your Thermostat

Keep track of your thermostat on a regular basis. Make sure your family isn’t jacking it up or spinning it down multiple times a day. Find a temperature that you can live with, and try to keep it there.

It’s especially helpful for your utility bills if you can keep the temperature just slightly cooler than you would normally. Put on a sweater, use smaller space heaters in necessary areas, and keep doors closed.

2. Insulate Windows

Invest in an insulation coating for your windows if you live in a particularly cold and harsh climate. At the very least you can purchase an insulation curtain. These measures will keep heat inside your home and prevent the cold from seeping in.

3. Check Window Seals, Door Jambs, and Locks

Check for drafts or make note of areas of your home that seem extra cold no matter what. If there are gaps, drafts, or spaces you can seal or repair them to save your heater some extra energy – and you some extra dollars!

4. Assign Light Duty

Have someone in your home in charge of turning off lights and appliances each night or each time you leave the house. Little kids can enthusiastically participate! Turning off or unplugging electrical items in your home can save you more money than you think during the winter season.

5. Use Timers and Solar Energy for Holiday Lights

Timers can keep your lights from staying on all night, or the whole time you’re out of town for holiday festivities. Sometimes you turn on your holiday lights during the day, because you won’t be home to turn them on at night.

This can end up costing you big time! Some families are even switching to small solar energy powered models of lights and decorations, which will greatly reduce the utilities you use and pay for during the holiday season. They are simple switches that can save you major dollars and cents.


Don’t flush your extra Christmas money down the drain with your utility bill! Make a few small adjustments to save on your utility bill this winter and reap the rewards, and contact Mountain States Windows & Siding if you have additional questions about saving money.


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