More and more homes are opting for energy efficient materials, for a variety of reasons.
Of course we all want to help the environment and “go green” wherever possible. If we can make a tiny impact in decreasing pollution and greenhouse gases, or move towards sustainable and renewable sources then that’s great!
Having more energy efficient choices for home building materials has made a big difference in environmental effort, as well as providing home owners with more options for their home and contractors.
There are also incentives for choosing energy efficient materials provided by the manufacturers or even the government. They want to promote smart energy decisions by consumers, so they make the prices competitive and favorable to “go green.”
Whats In It For You?
But probably the biggest motivating factor for choosing energy efficient materials is that it can lower your costs overall.
Energy efficient materials not only help the environment by utilizing less energy, but they also lower your expenses by being smarter, better choices. In some cases, like with energy efficient light bulbs, they last much longer than their standard counterparts, meaning you have to replace them less frequently. When you buy fewer disposable items you save more in the long run.
Siding is customizable, coming in a variety of colors, materials, and designs. Siding can look like brick, stone, wood, anything you want. It’s a beautiful option for any home, and a great choice for updating.
A major benefit of siding is that it offers an extra layer of insulation for your home. Do you know how much of your home’s hard-earned air conditioning is seeping out of your home between the studs? It’s more than you think. During the summer months the cool air you’re paying for inside your home can actually leach out of your poorly insulated walls, and the hot outside air is creeping in to make your air conditioning bill climb higher and higher.
Energy efficient siding provides an extra layer of protection and insulation that keeps the outside temperatures from permeating your home, and keeps your expensive air conditioning inside where it belongs.
This helps your air conditioning unit run efficiently and not waste precious energy (or money!) running double time. Another added benefit is that your home has an extra buffer against any outside forces, such as wind, rain, snow, or ice damage.
Siding is an excellent option for any home because it can be deftly added on top of your existing exterior for added energy efficiency and a fresh modern update. It won’t even disrupt your day-to-day life or budget, unlike an extreme remodel.
Increase your curb appeal and home value while also decreasing your utility bills and draftiness. Call or contact Mountain States Windows & Siding to see your options for siding choices.